Get Proof of Purity
and Potency

See the independent lab test results for any Kats Kratom products

Every Kats Kratom packaging and labels contain information you can use to locate the results from third-party lab tests conducted on the materials used in the manufacturing process. We provide these test results because we want our customers to see for themselves how pure and genuine our products are. Bookmark this page and return here to verify the purity and potency of any Kats Kratom products.

Kratom Scan

For Kratom Lab Test Results

Option 1: Using your mobile device, scan the QR code printed on your Kats Kratom powder or capsules packaging. The lab test results will then be immediately displayed.

Option 2: Locate the lot number, also listed on the packaging, and enter it into the field below before clicking ‘Search’.

“I am especially proud of the lengths we go to in ensuring that all of our kratom products are produced using only the cleanest and purest ingredients on the planet. We will always be transparent with our product lab testing results. This is my personal commitment to all of our customers.”

Justin Kats, Founder and CEO